“Where and how your hernia is repaired first will matter most.”
Finding the best hernia surgeon in NYC for your hernia surgery can be challenging. Having done thousands of hernia procedures, published extensively about hernia, and sat as a Board of Governor on the national hernia society, Dr. Brian Jacob is a proven expert hernia surgeon and is regarded by his peers as one of the best hernia surgeons in New York City.
Dr. Brian P Jacob is a top Google-rated expert hernia surgeon. His practice’s proven outcomes attract patients who are looking for a top hernia surgeon with personalized attentive care. Our practice is able to cater to patients globally.
So that you receive the most up-to-date information, before undergoing surgery for your hernia, assure that you have learned all of the risks and benefits. Every patient is different and so each patient deserves a tailored approach to repair their hernia. There are many ways to repair a hernia. Be sure to review all of the options available, and not just the one option a surgeon may tell you they perform. NOT all surgeons are trained in all procedures and techniques. To optimize your outcome, make sure you are treated by a surgeon who is dedicated to hernia repair.