It’s Baaaaack. Recurrent Hernias.

Recurrent Hernias Hernias occur when tissue or an organ pushes through a weak spot in an abdominal muscle. Although many people choose to live with their hernias, it’s usually a good idea at some point to get the area surgically repaired.

But then it comes back.

Huh? Hernias do have an irritating quality of wanting to return at or near the location of the previous repair. These are known as recurrent hernias.

Dr. Jacob repairs recurrent hernias, using laparoscopic methods if possible. Because he has so much experience as a hernia surgeon, his expertise decreases your odds of a recurrent hernia in the future.

What causes a recurrent hernia?

It’s easy to assume a hernia recurs due to the fault of the original surgeon, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Hernias can actually increase in size, extending beyond the original repair. If mesh was used in the repair, it can shrink in size or migrate. The wound could never have properly healed and is weak.

There are certain risk factors that increase a person’s odds of their hernia recurring:

  • Being overweight (those with a BMI over 35)
  • Smoking
  • Having diabetes
  • Steroids, chemotherapy, or other medications that compromise the immune system
  • Heavy lifting or other strenuous activities that place pressure on the stomach area

How are recurrent hernias repaired?

Dr. Jacob is an expert with all the methods of hernia repair. For recurrent hernias, he will use one of these methods:

  • Open hernia repair
  • Open mesh repair
  • Laparoscopic or robotic mesh repair

Signs your hernia may be back

If you’ve had prior hernia surgery, but you have these symptoms, it may have recurred:

  • A bulge at or near the site of the original hernia
  • Pain that can range from a dull ache to severe pain, especially when coughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects
  • Bloating or constipation

If you have any of the above symptoms, Dr. Jacob needs to see you. Call 212-879-6677 to make an appointment.

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