Hernia Procedures

You Won’t Want to Miss This Event Hosted By Dr. Jacobs

Dr. Brian Jacob is a world-renowned surgeon with many years of expertise in chronic pain, weight loss, and hernia procedures. He has helped thousands of patients with innovative and minimally invasive procedures designed to help restore their quality of life. As president of the International Hernia Collaboration, he is excited to share his knowledge and […]

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Hernias After Surgery

Recovery after abdominal surgery can have an unwelcome surprise, the creation of an incisional, or ventral, hernia. This type of hernia can develop after abdominal surgery when part of an internal organ or abdominal tissue protrudes through the abdominal wall. Although most incisional hernias don’t lead to serious health problems, complications can occur. Dr. Jacob

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Why Did I Get a Hernia?

While everyone can get a hernia, two different people can lift the same heavy object in exactly the same way and one subsequently feels the telltale bulge on his lower abdomen of a hernia while the other person has no repercussions.  Why is this?  In this humid July blog in the city, let’s get into

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Chronic Pain after Hernia Surgery

Patients often come see Dr. Jacob after experiencing chronic pain for weeks after a hernia repair. They are typically at their wit’s end, wondering why they had hernia surgery at all if this level of pain was the result. Dr. Jacob has extensive experience addressing this kind of pain in patients. Sometimes a hernia mesh,

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What Happens After Hernia Surgery?

In these first two blogs of this oddest of springs and summers in New York, we’ve covered some basics about hernias, what they are, symptoms, who gets them, and the like. For this August blog, let’s get into some of the questions patients have after their hernia surgery repair by Dr. Jacob. Since Dr. Jacob

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