What You Should Be Doing To Prevent a Hernia

hernia A hernia is when tissue, such as from an organ, bulges through or pushes on a weakened portion of muscle or fascia. Though they can happen anywhere on the body, they typically are found in the abdomen and groin areas.

Hernias can be incredibly painful and cause you pain to the point of impeding your daily routine. Therefore, doing what you can to prevent a hernia is beneficial to know and practice. Here are ways to help reduce the risk of developing a hernia.


A weakness of the muscles can lead to a hernia. By strengthening your muscles, primarily the abdominal wall and the groin, you may prevent the bulging associated with a hernia. However, not all exercise can directly help strengthen your muscles. For example, while running can be a fantastic exercise, it may not develop your muscles enough to prevent tissue from breaking through an opening.

Resistance training and dedicated strength training may be what you need. Although, it should be noted that strenuous activity can also lead to developing a hernia, so make sure you take a measured approach. Always visit a doctor for a checkup before engaging in an exercise program to determine your fitness and any preexisting conditions.

Losing Weight

Obesity can place significant pressure on your muscles, weakening them in the long-term. This weakening can leave you susceptible to developing hernias. Keeping your weight in a healthy range can reduce the risk of hernias and bring you many overall health benefits.

Seeking Prompt Medical Treatment

Certain ailments and illnesses can lead to an increased risk of hernia development. Chronic coughing, for example, can lead to excess intra-abdominal pressure, which may weaken the abdominal wall. Making sure you get treated promptly can help mitigate secondary conditions from developing.

Work With NYC Hernia in New York, NY

Living with a hernia can be incredibly debilitating and difficult. NYC Hernia makes treatment easy. Offering treatments for over 15 different types of hernias, internationally recognized hernia surgeon Dr. Brian Jacob has been selected as one of the best hernia surgeons in New York for ten consecutive years by New York Times Magazine.

To work with Dr. Jacob and NYC Hernia, call 212-879-6677 today to schedule a consultation.

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