Should I Have My Mesh Removed?

Synthetic Mesh for Inguinal Hernia Repair. A hernia can bring your daily activities to a standstill. The discomfort and pain that they bring can make surgical repair a necessity. If you’ve experienced extreme discomfort from your hernia mesh, it may be time to remove it, and we can help.

Here are a few signs to look for to determine if mesh removal surgery can help get you back to your regular activities.

Signs Your Mesh Is Causing Issues

Inserting a mesh is a standard method of repairing a hernia. For some people, a mesh insertion can lead to other issues over time. For instance, some people’s bodies cannot tolerate the mesh, and their bodies reject them. When this happens, your body can let you know something is wrong in several ways, which can include

  • Severe Pain
  • Adhesions
  • Infections
  • Intestinal blockage
  • Erosion of the mesh into the organs

It’s essential to receive immediate medical attention if you’ve experienced severe symptoms like these.

Quality of Care

Not every hernia requires a surgical mesh for repair, and there are some instances where patients are advised to undergo procedures and get exposed to unnecessary risks. If a surgical mesh isn’t necessary for your hernia, it can open the door to many issues and create more problems than it solves.

At NYC Hernia, our office is dedicated to providing you with the care and counsel you need to help get your quality of life back and keep you safe.

What Happens With a Mesh Removal Procedure

If you receive a recommendation for a mesh removal surgery, there are several ways you can prepare. First, you’ll need to stop taking over-the-counter pain relievers, blood thinners, and anti-inflammatory medications several days before your procedure. 

Also, you must make sure you quit smoking before your procedure to help reduce the risk of your hernia returning.

One of the most crucial aspects of your preparation is arranging for your post-operative care by ensuring that you have transportation to and from your procedure, have assistance getting around your home, and not lifting heavy objects.

Dr. Jacob is a compassionate and supportive hernia surgeon many New Yorkers have put their trust in for over a decade.

If you’ve been struggling with pain from a surgical mesh, don’t hesitate to contact us. Please schedule a consultation by calling us today at 212-879-6677.

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